Monday, October 20, 2008

2008 OuR ThEatRe

okey..!! hye there!! time niyh kami wt per4mance 4 sivik's day.. of course each school akn wt hari y myeronokkn tuh.. hehehe..!! 4 studs only.. n time niyh, plg byk kami snap pics altogether.. kami bwk cter rkyt.. cter nujum pak belalang.. yup, movie y men teka2 ttbe, y plg sweet a couple blakon as hero n heroin in d theatre.. hahaha!! their child is izzati.. pelakon sgt rmi dlm d theatre.. smpi kambing n lmbu pn ada.. popular kambing tuh skejap kt skull.. cowy, but im really lazy to introduce.. but, i think per4mance kami y plg besh n syok sekali.. smpi ckgu maya bg sebijik kek 4 pghargaan... kami amt mghrgainya, ckgu... thnx 4 d cake.. eleyh, msti korunk pk kek secret recipe.. n dgn bgganya utk mgatakan d ciniyh, it is not.. hahahaha!! im as backcrew, wlupn brserabot, dak2 3b1, dun worry.. watchers tak taw pn ap y trjd b4 kte wt per4mance.. smpi pnduduk kg muncul time slh scene.. hahahahaha!! funny but im laughing deadly.. cz ak y suruh dyorg msok.. ahahaa!! rpe2ny, slh scene.. lawok gler.. ahhaha!! but, pluang tok wt theatre niyh 1st time.. taon2 lps tak pnh wt pr4mance mcm niyh.. n i think, kte dpt chance niyh adlh dsebabkn ikatan kekeluargaan dn kekawanan kita y kuat.. sob sob.. touching sekejap.. hehehe.. sweet kn kami?? sweet2 pn kami ttp ad scene gduh ssme sndiri.. but, i wanna say here, biarkn y lps tuh lps.. bak kte omputih, let bygone is bygone.. sounds like dat r.. ahhaha!! y pntg, hbgn kte.. trlalu istimewa..

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